Winter 2024 online Class  | FALMOUTH ART CENTER

Kitchen Table Printmaking

Linoleum blockprinting without a press.  In this 6-session online workshop you’ll learn my favorite blockprinting techniques for art prints, greeting cards, textiles, and more using just a few simple tools — and without a printing press. Beginners welcome!

Blockprints have been a popular illustration medium since the first woodblock-printed bestsellers were mass-produced in the 15th century.  Now, modern lightweight, affordable linoleum blocks and sheets have made sophisticated blockprinting possible without a lot of specialized tools or training.

Come explore the blockprinting universe. Class projects may include a repeat pattern, greeting card, a bookplate with lettering, a self-portrait or pet portrait or a white line still life. As a final project, we’ll create a print using my favorite key-block technique, combining a linoleum print with watercolor to make a full-color, repeatable artwork.

6 Sessions  |  Alternate Tuesdays, January 7 -March 8, 5pm – 7pm EST